With a PhD in metallurgical engineering from Missouri S&T, you will be prepared to make a positive impact on the world by designing and producing materials that are essential to our daily lives. Join us and become a part of a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to excellence and innovation. Your journey toward making a significant contribution to the world starts here at Missouri S&T.
Get info on our program, scholarships, how to visit campus, admissions and more. Take the next step in solving for tomorrow!
Growing up in a different part of the world, I got all the support I needed to adjust and excel in the MSE Department. I always felt welcome especially by the office and supporting staff and was given great opportunities and exposure to grow and learn new things. The renowned faculty had a personalized approach to every student and that helped me immensely. I got hands on experience with the machine shop fabricating various parts of my experimental set up and also saw live molten steel pours. The chance to pursue my PhD in Metallurgical Engineering was the biggest boost to my career and life.
— Charles Abbey, Rio Tinto
Imagine yourself as a Metallurgical Engineer, where you could be at the heart of the iron and steelmaking industry. Or perhaps you see yourself in the burgeoning field of 3D printing of metals and alloys. You could be part of a team that's ensuring the safe and efficient operation of nuclear power plants, or working with materials that can withstand the extreme conditions inside a reactor, helping to provide clean, reliable energy for millions of people. These are just a few of the exciting career paths that await you as a graduate of Missouri S&T's metallurgical engineering program.
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